PPV is committed to meeting the needs of its clients and customers in an environmentally – sound manner by seeking to minimise its environmental impact, prevention of pollution and acting on opportunities to generate environmental benefits.

The company is committed to achieving continual improvement in its environmental performance.

This policy forms the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives. The company will ensure that this policy is implemented, monitored and maintained through the adoption of a comprehensive Environmental management system that’s compliant with ISO 14001 2015.

 PPV Ltd has set the following environmental objectives:

  • To comply with or exceed relevant environmental statutory regulations. To the use of handling, transporting, storage and disposal of potentially environmentally – damaging materials, including waste, within the appropriate legislation and codes of practice. 
  • Design safe working practices with consideration for the environment, habitats and health and safety.
  • Protect local and wider communities from damage or nuisance as a result of our activities.
  • Measure and continually improve the environmental impact caused by our activities.
  • To ensure that all employees are made aware of this policy, the environmental issues, and their own responsibilities. 
  • To encourage environmental awareness and responsibility in its clients, suppliers and contractors by example, instruction and dissemination of information. 
  • Encourage personnel to identify possible environmental improvements within PPV Group ltd through effective communication.
  • Communicate our policies and achievements widely, including making this policy publicly available.  

Matthew Coleman  – Managing Director 

Adam Overhill  – Operations Director